Examine the table and fill in the gaps with the affirmative or negative form of the verb used to and a verb

  • 54
Examine the table and fill in the gaps with the affirmative or negative form of the verb "used to" and a verb. 1) Did Pete and Jane consume vegetables during their childhood? 2) Did Jane engage in cycling during her childhood? 3) Did Pete engage in cycling during his childhood? 4) Did Pete reside in the village? 5) Did Jane reside in the village during her childhood? 6) Were Pete and Jane petite during their childhood?
Examine the table and fill in the gaps with the affirmative or negative form of the verb "used to" and a verb.

1) Did Pete and Jane consume vegetables during their childhood?
- Pete ________ ________ consume vegetables during his childhood.
- Jane ________ ________ consume vegetables during her childhood.

2) Did Jane engage in cycling during her childhood?
- Jane ________ ________ engage in cycling during her childhood.

3) Did Pete engage in cycling during his childhood?
- Pete ________ ________ engage in cycling during his childhood.

4) Did Pete reside in the village?
- Pete ________ ________ reside in the village.

5) Did Jane reside in the village during her childhood?
- Jane ________ ________ reside in the village during her childhood.

6) Were Pete and Jane petite during their childhood?
- Pete and Jane ________ ________ petite during their childhood.

Now, let"s fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verb "used to" and a verb, depending on the context:

1) Did Pete and Jane consume vegetables during their childhood?
- Pete used to consume vegetables during his childhood.
- Jane used to consume vegetables during her childhood.

2) Did Jane engage in cycling during her childhood?
- Jane used to engage in cycling during her childhood.

3) Did Pete engage in cycling during his childhood?
- Pete didn"t use to engage in cycling during his childhood.

4) Did Pete reside in the village?
- Pete used to reside in the village.

5) Did Jane reside in the village during her childhood?
- Jane didn"t use to reside in the village during her childhood.

6) Were Pete and Jane petite during their childhood?
- Pete and Jane didn"t use to be petite during their childhood.


1) Вопрос задает, потребляли ли Пит и Джейн овощи в детстве. Чтобы дать утвердительный ответ, мы используем "used to" в прошедшем времени и глагол "consume". Для отрицательного ответа, мы также используем "used to" и добавляем отрицательную частицу "not" перед глаголом "consume".

2) Вопрос задает, занималась ли Джейн велоспортом в детстве. Ответ будет похожим на предыдущий вопрос.

3) Вопрос задает, занимался ли Пит велоспортом в детстве. Чтобы дать ответ в отрицательной форме, мы используем "did not use to" перед глаголом "engage".

4) Вопрос задает, проживал ли Пит в деревне. Чтобы дать утвердительный ответ, мы используем "used to reside" в прошедшем времени.

5) Вопрос задает, проживала ли Джейн в деревне в детстве. Ответ будет похожим на предыдущий вопрос.

6) Вопрос задает, были ли Пит и Джейн низкорослыми в детстве. Чтобы дать отрицательный ответ, мы используем отрицательную частицу "did not" перед "used to be" и глаголом "petite".