Exercise 1. Give each excerpt a title and write it as an outline. Exercise 2, 1. Based on the outline (Exercise

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Exercise 1. Give each excerpt a title and write it as an outline. Exercise 2, 1. Based on the outline (Exercise 1), create an oral presentation about the role of the Russian language in the modern world, 2. Write a mini-essay on one of the following topics: "The Russian language in my life," "What language can be considered international," "A world without words."
Exercise 1:

Excerpt 1:
Title: Introduction to the Russian Language
I. Importance of language in communication
A. Language as a means of expressing thoughts and ideas
B. Role of language in connecting people
II. Significance of learning a foreign language
A. Expanding cultural understanding
B. Enhancing career opportunities
III. Introduction to the Russian language
A. Historical background of the Russian language
B. Statistics on the number of speakers worldwide

Excerpt 2:
Title: Characteristics of the Russian Language
I. Phonetics and Phonology
A. Russian alphabet and pronunciation
B. Unique sounds and phonetic patterns
II. Grammar and Syntax
A. Consistent word order and sentence structure
B. Complex system of declensions and conjugations
III. Vocabulary and Lexicon
A. Influence of Slavic roots and borrowings from other languages
B. Richness of expressions and idiomatic phrases

Excerpt 3:
Title: Russian Language in Literature and Culture
I. Literary heritage of the Russian language
A. Renowned Russian authors and their works
B. Contribution to world literature
II. Cultural impact of the Russian language
A. Influence on music, theater, and cinema
B. Russian as a language of poetry and emotions
III. Preservation of cultural identity
A. Role of language in preserving traditions and values
B. Importance of promoting Russian language and culture globally

Exercise 2:

1. Oral Presentation: The Role of the Russian Language in the Modern World
- Introduction:
- Briefly introduce the topic and its significance.
- Excerpt 1:
- Discuss the importance of language in communication.
- Highlight the significance of learning a foreign language.
- Excerpt 2:
- Explain the characteristics of the Russian language, including its phonetics, grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.
- Excerpt 3:
- Emphasize the role of the Russian language in literature, culture, and preserving cultural identity.
- Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points and highlight the ongoing relevance of the Russian language in the modern world.

2. Mini Essay: "The Russian Language in My Life"
- Introduction:
- Briefly introduce the topic and state its personal significance.
- Body:
- Share personal experiences and connections with the Russian language.
- Discuss how learning Russian has influenced understanding of culture, literature, and communication.
- Conclusion:
- Reflect on the importance of the Russian language in shaping personal identity and fostering cross-cultural understanding.

Note: For the mini essay, the essay structure should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Feel free to elaborate on personal experiences, provide examples, and express personal opinions while maintaining a clear and cohesive structure.