Exercise 1: Take a look at this excerpt from a tour of a car factory. Fill in the gaps in the text using the words

  • 14
Exercise 1: Take a look at this excerpt from a tour of a car factory. Fill in the gaps in the text using the words provided. (You can number the gaps and write the word) clutch • combustion • crankshaft • cylinders • distribution • fuel • piston • spark plug • torque "Now we arrive at the engine. The fundamental concept of the internal (1) engine has remained unchanged over the past century. The engine intakes (2) and air, which undergo compression within the combustion chamber. Subsequently, this mixture is ignited using a (3), resulting in an explosion that propels the (4) within the (cylinder). The reciprocal motion of the piston, moving up and down,
the engine. The (5) is connected to the (6), which converts the linear motion of the pistons into rotational motion. This rotation is then transferred to the wheels, providing the necessary (7) to move the car forward. The (8) system ensures the correct timing of the intake, compression, combustion, and exhaust processes in each (9). Lastly, the (10) injects the necessary fuel into the combustion chamber for the engine to function.

1. combustion
2. fuel
3. spark plug
4. crankshaft
5. piston
6. crankshaft
7. torque
8. distribution
9. cylinder
10. fuel