Granny Morgan, Andy and Kate were delighted. Today was Friday, the day when Gran visited them for tea. Out of all their

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Granny Morgan, Andy and Kate were delighted. Today was Friday, the day when Gran visited them for tea. Out of all their relatives, they held a special affection for their grandmother, who was very entertaining. As they entered the kitchen, Granny Morgan was sitting at the table, with a generous serving of banana sandwiches before her. Andy greeted her with a cheerful "Hello, Gran!" to which she responded, "Hello, both of you. How was school today?" "It was fine, thank you," Kate replied. She then asked Granny Morgan, "And how was your outing to the National History Museum?" "Oh, it was fantastic," answered Kate. "We had an amazing time." "We got to see some incredible dinosaurs, but my favorite were the gorillas."
здравствуйте! Похоже, мы имеем дело с отрывком из истории, в которой дети встречают свою бабушку после школы. Они задают ей вопросы о ее походе в Национальный музей истории. Что именно вам нужно узнать или решить по тексту? Могу ли я помочь с объяснением и дальнейшим развитием сюжета?