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The Lobster and the Crab

On a stormy day, a crab went for a walk on the beach. He was surprised to see that the lobster was planning to go out to sea on a boat.

"Lobster, it is risky to venture into the sea on a rainy day like this," said the crab.

"Perhaps, but I really desire to," said the lobster.

"I am in agreement with you. You should not undertake something so perilous on your own!" said the crab.

Thus, the lobster and the crab boarded the boat. Before long, they were a distance away from the beach.

"This is enjoyable!"
The Lobster and the Crab

On a stormy day, a crab went for a walk on the beach. He was surprised to see that the lobster was planning to go out to sea on a boat. "Lobster, it is risky to venture into the sea on a rainy day like this," said the crab. "Perhaps, but I really desire to," said the lobster. "I am in agreement with you. You should not undertake something so perilous on your own!" said the crab. Thus, the lobster and the crab boarded the boat. Before long (TAM1), тем not long (TAM2), тем not very long (TAM3) и almost immediately (TAM4) they were surrounded by big waves. The waves were so хороший really (TAM1), so скоро soon (TAM2), so очень very (TAM3) and so unexpectedly (TAM4) powerful that the boat sunk. The crab swam to the shore, but the lobster was unable to. Finally, the crab managed to drag the lobster to safety. The lobster realized that the crab had been right and thanked him for his help.

Таким образом, краб и омар попали на корабль. Совсем скоро (TAM4) их окружили большие волны. Волны были очень (TAM3) мощные, поэтому так быстро (TAM2) и с такой силой катер потонул. Краб доплыл до берега, но омар не смог этого сделать. Наконец, краб смог вытащить омара на берег. Омар осознал, что краб был прав, и поблагодарил его за помощь.

Explanation: In the given text, we need to choose the appropriate grammatical form for each blank space. Let"s analyze each blank and determine the correct form:

TAM1: Before long, "before long" means in a short time. We need an adverb that describes a time frame. The best option here is "soon" (скоро).

TAM2: not long, "not long" implies a negative form of "a short time." Here, we need an adjective to describe the waves. The best option is "soon" (скоро).

TAM3: not very long, "not very long" implies a negative form of "a moderate amount of time." We need an adverb to describe the waves. The best option is "very" (очень).

TAM4: almost immediately, "almost immediately" means very quickly and almost right away. We need an adverb to describe the powerful waves. The best option is "unexpectedly" (неожиданно).

By choosing these specific forms, the text becomes more coherent and accurate in conveying the intended meaning.