Provide the necessary information for the table: definitions, common word combinations, alternative words with similar

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Provide the necessary information for the table: definitions, common word combinations, alternative words with similar meanings, and opposite words for the terms "brain" and "power". Construct 2-3 sentences demonstrating the usage of each term. BRAIN POWER Definition Word Combinations Synonyms Opposites Instances
- Definition: The brain is the organ that controls the functions of the body and enables cognitive activities, such as thinking, learning, remembering, and problem-solving.
- Word Combinations: Brain activity, brain function, brain development, brain cells, brain disorders.
- Synonyms: Mind, intellect, cognitive capacity.
- Opposites: Body, physicality, absence of mental function.
- Instances: The brain is responsible for processing information received from our senses and coordinating our movements. The brain is composed of billions of neurons that transmit electrochemical signals.

- Definition: Power refers to the ability or capacity to do something or to act upon or influence others. It can also represent physical strength or energy.
- Word Combinations: Power tools, power source, power supply, power outage, power struggle.
- Synonyms: Strength, force, authority.
- Opposites: Weakness, powerlessness.
- Instances: The president has the power to make important decisions. The electric power generated by the wind turbines is used to supply energy to the neighboring towns. She demonstrated her power by lifting the heavy weight effortlessly.

I hope this detailed information, including definitions, word combinations, synonyms, antonyms, and contextual usage, helps you understand the terms "brain" and "power" better. Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!