Read what Pieter says about company culture at his previous company and his current company. The text has eight
Read what Pieter says about company culture at his previous company and his current company. The text has eight incorrect words. Identify and rectify them. ❛❛ In my previous job, I was employed at a prominent telecommunications company. It formerly operated as a state-owned monopoly, but it was privatized in the 1990s. Unfortunately, the culture there hasn"t truly transformed. The decision-making process is extremely sluggish, and there is excessive bureaucracy - everything needs to be approved through the entire hierarchy before any action can be taken. I did not particularly enjoy working there, and I transitioned to a smaller competitor two years ago. The working environment is significantly enhanced at my current company.
Ярд 62
In my previous job, I was employed at a prominent telecommunications company. It formerly operated as a state-owned monopoly, but it was privatized in the 1990s. Unfortunately, the culture there hasn"t truly transformed. The decision-making process is extremely sluggish, and there is excessive bureaucracy - everything needs to be approved through the entire hierarchy before any action can be taken. I did not particularly enjoy working.По моему предыдущему месту работы, я был трудоустроен на известной телекоммуникационной компании. Она раньше функционировала как государственный монополист, но в 1990-х годах она была приватизирована. К сожалению, культура там не изменилась действительно. Процесс принятия решений чрезвычайно медленный, и там существует чрезмерная бюрократия - все должно быть одобрено через всю иерархию прежде, чем можно предпринять какие-либо действия. Мне особо не нравилось работать.
1. "hasn"t" должно быть исправлено на "hasn"t" - это ошибка в написании слова "has not".
2. "telecommunications" написано правильно.
3. "there" - слово использовано правильно.
4. "hierarchy" - слово использовано правильно.
Ошибок в тексте - 4.