Task 2. The individuals mentioned below are interested in enrolling in a sports class. On the subsequent page, there

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Task 2. The individuals mentioned below are interested in enrolling in a sports class. On the subsequent page, there are descriptions of eight different classes. Determine which class would be most suitable for the following individuals. For questions 6-10, indicate the appropriate letter A-H.

6. Chloe derives pleasure from team sports; however, she prefers not to participate in competitions. She requires a morning class and lacks the financial means to purchase costly equipment.

7. Mike"s level of fitness is relatively low. He desires to improve his physical condition, but he finds exercise to be uninteresting. He is searching for an evening class that offers different activities each week. Additionally, he wishes to track his progress over time to observe improvements.
6. Chloe:
Chloe enjoys team sports but does not want to participate in competitions. She needs a morning class and does not have the financial resources to buy expensive equipment.

To find the most suitable class for Chloe, let"s examine the descriptions of the eight different classes:

Class A: Competitive Basketball. This class involves team sports and competitions, so it may not be the best fit for Chloe.

Class B: Soccer for Beginners. This class focuses on teaching soccer skills to beginners and doesn"t mention competitions. However, it does not specify the time of the class, so it"s unclear if it is available in the morning.

Class C: Morning Yoga. Although Chloe enjoys team sports, yoga is an individual activity. It may not be the best fit for her preferences.

Class D: Volleyball League. This class involves team sports and competitions, so it"s not suitable for Chloe.

Class E: Fitness Bootcamp. While this class could help improve Chloe"s physical condition, it does not mention team sports, and it may require costly equipment.

Class F: Recreational Tennis. This class involves team sports, but it does not mention competitions. The cost of equipment is not specified.

Class G: Morning Swim Club. Swimming is a team sport, but it typically doesn"t involve competitions, making it a potential option for Chloe. However, the cost of equipment, such as a swimsuit, is not mentioned.

Class H: Track and Field Training. This class involves individual and team activities, but it doesn"t state whether competitions are part of the program.

Based on the given information, Class F (Recreational Tennis) seems to be the most suitable for Chloe. It offers team sports without competitions, and the cost of equipment is not mentioned. However, if Chloe prefers a morning class, Class G (Morning Swim Club) could also be a good choice.

7. Mike:
Mike has a relatively low level of fitness and wants to improve his physical condition, but he finds exercise challenging.

Let"s review the descriptions of the eight different classes again:

Class A: Competitive Basketball. This class may not be suitable for Mike since it requires a certain fitness level and does not mention assisting beginners.

Class B: Soccer for Beginners. This class is targeted at beginners, but it does not specifically mention low fitness levels.

Class C: Morning Yoga. Yoga can be a good option for improving flexibility and fitness while catering to different fitness levels. However, it might not provide the desired intensity for someone looking to improve their physical condition significantly.

Class D: Volleyball League. Participating in a league might not be the best fit for Mike, considering his low fitness level and desire to improve gradually.

Class E: Fitness Bootcamp. This class is often intensive and might not be suitable for someone with low fitness levels.

Class F: Recreational Tennis. The description does not mention anything about assisting beginners or focusing on fitness improvements.

Class G: Morning Swim Club. Swimming is an excellent low-impact exercise that can benefit people with various fitness levels. The supportive environment of a club might also be helpful for Mike.

Class H: Track and Field Training. This class seems more focused on training for athletic events rather than helping beginners or those with low fitness levels.

Based on the information provided, Class G (Morning Swim Club) seems to be the most suitable option for Mike. Swimming is a low-impact exercise that can help improve fitness without placing too much strain on the body. The supportive environment of a club might also make it easier for Mike to start his fitness journey.