What are the English equivalents for: expanding the human brain, existing barriers, saving time, making mistakes

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What are the English equivalents for: expanding the human brain, existing barriers, saving time, making mistakes, relying entirely on computer information, sending messages, replacing messages, a great invention, without leaving one"s place, sending and receiving email, misusing information, becoming outdated, needing replacement. Answer the following questions: 1. What benefits of computers are you familiar with? 2. What is the reason behind most major businesses becoming entirely reliant on computers? 3. How do we make use of email? 4. What drawbacks of computers are you aware of?
Here are the English equivalents for the given terms:
1. expanding the human brain - расширение человеческого мозга
2. existing barriers - существующие преграды
3. saving time - экономия времени
4. making mistakes - совершение ошибок
5. relying entirely on computer information - полное полагание на компьютерную информацию
6. sending messages - отправка сообщений
7. replacing messages - замена сообщений
8. a great invention - великое изобретение
9. without leaving one"s place - не выходя из своего места
10. sending and receiving email - отправка и получение электронной почты
11. misusing information - неправильное использование информации
12. becoming outdated - устаревание
13. needing replacement - требующий замены

Now, let"s answer the questions:

1. What benefits of computers are you familiar with?
Какие преимущества компьютеров вам известны?

Computers have numerous benefits. First and foremost, they allow us to access a vast amount of information from various sources, enabling us to expand our knowledge and learn new things. Computers also facilitate communication, as we can easily connect with others through email, social media, and instant messaging. Additionally, computers have made repetitive tasks more efficient through automation, saving us time and effort. They have revolutionized industries, making complex calculations, data analysis, and problem-solving easier and faster. Moreover, computers have played a significant role in scientific research, aiding in simulations, modeling, and data visualization.

2. What is the reason behind most major businesses becoming entirely reliant on computers?
Какова причина полного основания большинства крупных предприятий на компьютерах?

The increasing reliance of major businesses on computers can be attributed to several reasons. Firstly, computers have greatly enhanced productivity and efficiency in various business operations. They enable rapid data processing, automate repetitive tasks, and facilitate streamlined communication and collaboration among employees. This leads to faster decision-making processes and increased overall productivity. Furthermore, computers provide tools and software that can assist in analyzing market trends, managing inventory, tracking sales, and optimizing business strategies. In today"s digital age, businesses need computer systems to stay competitive and adapt to the ever-evolving market demands.

3. How do we make use of email?
Как мы используем электронную почту?

Email is a widely-used communication tool that allows individuals to send and receive messages electronically. It provides a convenient and efficient way to communicate with others, both personally and professionally. To make use of email, one needs an email account, which can be created through various email service providers (such as Gmail, Outlook, or Yahoo). Once an account is set up, you can compose an email by entering the recipient"s email address, subject, and the main body of the message. After composing the email, you can click the "Send" button to transmit it to the recipient"s email address. Similarly, you can receive emails in your inbox and read them at your convenience. Email also offers various features such as attaching files, organizing messages into folders, and filtering spam.

4. What drawbacks of computers are you aware of?
Какие недостатки компьютеров вам известны?

Despite their many advantages, computers also have some drawbacks. One of the main concerns is the potential for over-reliance on computers, which can lead to a reduction in critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Relying entirely on computer-generated information may hinder our ability to think independently and evaluate the accuracy and reliability of the information. Moreover, excessive screen time and prolonged computer use can contribute to health issues such as eye strain, neck and back pain, and sedentary behavior. Another drawback is the constant need for software updates and maintenance, which may require additional costs and time. Additionally, the risk of cyber threats and data breaches poses a significant challenge for computer users, as personal and sensitive information can be compromised if proper security measures are not in place. It is essential to strike a balance between utilizing the benefits of computers and being mindful of their limitations.