Woman Excuse me, can you please tell me if Summerside Primary School is in this direction? Man Let me check my map

  • 56
Woman Excuse me, can you please tell me if Summerside Primary School is in this direction?
Man Let me check my map. No, it"s not in this direction. First, you need to backtrack or turn right. Then take a left or continue straight ahead. When you reach the traffic lights or roundabout, you must turn right or go back. Once you reach the roundabout or traffic lights, you should turn left or go back. Look, the school is right here, across from the petrol station or roundabout.
Woman Thank you. I need to go back or hurry. I don"t want to be late for the school concert.
Man Goodbye. Make sure you don"t get lost or turn left. TAXI.
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