1 A: Are you thinking about going to see Green Day in concert next month? B: That s great! Do you think they

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1 A: Are you thinking about going to see Green Day in concert next month? B: That"s great! Do you think they"re the best? I"ll join you.
2 A: Why are you weighing yourself? B: I want to see if I weigh enough for my height.
3 A: Isn"t your baby brother adorable? B: Yes, but today he is being really naughty. He keeps drawing on the wall.
4 A: I can see you have a new mobile phone. B: Yes, but I am having problems with it at the moment.
5 A: Why are you tasting the soup? It"s not ready yet. B: I am tasting it to see if it is sweet enough for the children.
6 A:
A: Do you think the teacher will give us a lot of homework? B: I hope not. I already have so much to do.
7 A: Are you reading that book for school? B: Yes, it"s required reading for English class.
8 A: Have you finished your science project yet? B: No, I"m still working on it. It"s taking longer than I expected.
9 A: Did you understand the math lesson today? B: No, it was quite confusing. I need some help with it.
10 A: Are you going to study for the history test tomorrow? B: Yes, I need to review the material and make sure I"m prepared.
11 A: Why are you writing in your notebook? B: I"m taking notes during the lecture so I can study them later.
12 A: Are you practicing for the school play? B: Yes, I have a big role and I want to rehearse as much as possible.