B) Grammar. Review. Read the dialogue and complete the verbs in the perfect tense. Carolina: Hello, everyone! When

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B) Grammar. Review. Read the dialogue and complete the verbs in the perfect tense. Carolina: Hello, everyone! When did you guys return home? Heiko: Greetings! I have already come back. Where were you this time? I took a language course. And it was great! We stayed with a host family. We only spoke in the foreign language. Lola: That sounds boring, learning during the holidays! I prefer to relax on vacation. That"s how it should be! Carolina: And you, Lola? Are you traveling to Spain as always? Lola: No. I recovered myself at the campsite in Italy. Specifically for teenagers.
Carolina: Привет всем! Когда вы вернулись домой, ребята?
Heiko: Привет! Я уже вернулся. Где ты был на этот раз?
Carolina: Я проходил курс иностранного языка. И это было замечательно! Мы останавливались у семьи-хоста. Мы говорили только на иностранном языке.
Lola: Звучит скучно, учиться во время отпуска! Я предпочитаю отдыхать во время каникул. Вот как должно быть!
Carolina: А ты, Лола? Ты по-прежнему едешь в Испанию?
Lola: Нет. Я побывала в лагере на кемпинге в Италии. Особенно для подростков.


In this dialogue, the verbs in the perfect tense need to be completed. The perfect tense is used to talk about actions that happened before the present moment or before another point in the past.

1. Heiko: Привет! Я уже вернулся. (Hello! I have already come back.)

Here, the verb "вернуться" (to come back) is already in the past tense. We use "уже" (already) to indicate that the action happened before now.

2. Carolina: Я проходил курс иностранного языка. (I took a language course.)

The verb "проходить" (to take/pass) needs to be completed in the perfect tense. We use the past tense form "проходил" (I took/pass) to indicate that the action happened in the past.

3. Lola: Я побывала в лагере на кемпинге в Италии. (I stayed at a campsite in Italy.)

The verb "побывать" (to visit/stay) needs to be completed in the perfect tense. We use the past tense form "побывала" (I stayed) to indicate that the action happened in the past.

By completing these verbs in the perfect tense, the dialogue becomes grammatically correct and conveys the intended meaning.