Lora: Hi, Mel. Mel: Hey, Lora. How s your vacation going? What have you been up to? Lora: The vacation is going well

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Lora: Hi, Mel. Mel: Hey, Lora. How"s your vacation going? What have you been up to? Lora: The vacation is going well. We enjoy going to the beach. My mom prefers shopping, and my dad enjoys playing beach volleyball. By the way, he is currently playing. He"s really happy! Mel: And what about Nick? Lora: Hi, Nick isn"t playing with dad. He"s swimming in the sea.
море. Он очень любит плавать и исследовать подводный мир. Mel: That sounds like so much fun! I wish I could join you guys. Any plans for the rest of the vacation? Lora: Well, we"re planning to go hiking in the mountains next week. We love nature and it"s a great opportunity to relax and enjoy the beautiful views. Mel: That sounds amazing! I love hiking too. Have you been hiking before? Lora: Yes, we have gone hiking several times before. We usually choose different trails each time to explore new places. It"s always exciting to discover new landscapes and see different flora and fauna. Mel: I can imagine. Do you have any tips for someone who is going hiking for the first time? Lora: Definitely! First, make sure you have proper hiking gear like sturdy shoes, a backpack, and comfortable clothes. It"s important to be prepared for different weather conditions, so bring extra layers and rain gear. Don"t forget to pack enough water and snacks to keep you energized. Also, it"s a good idea to have a map or a guidebook to help you navigate the trails. And most importantly, always stay on the marked paths and be respectful of the environment. Mel: Thank you for the tips, Lora. I"ll keep them in mind. Have a wonderful vacation and enjoy your hiking trip! Lora: Thank you, Mel! I"ll definitely have a great time.