Mike and Steve are having a conversation at the sports centre. About whom are they talking? Complete the sentences

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Mike and Steve are having a conversation at the sports centre. About whom are they talking? Complete the sentences by using the correct verb form of the verbs provided.
M: (0) Are you acquainted with (acquaint) Ken? S: Ken?
S: Ken? Yes, I (1) have heard (hear) of him before.
M: Well, he (2) play (play) basketball just like us.
S: Really? That"s great! How long (3) he play (he play) basketball?
M: He (4) start (start) playing basketball when he was only six years old.
S: Wow, that"s impressive! So, how good (5) he be (he be) at basketball?
M: He (6) be (be) really talented. In fact, he (7) win (win) several awards for his skills.
S: That"s amazing! What (8) he achieve (he achieve) so far?
M: He (9) already achieve (already achieve) a lot. He (10) participate (participate) in many tournaments and (11) represent (represent) our school in regional competitions.
S: That"s so cool! I never knew Ken (12) be (be) such a famous basketball player.
M: Yeah, he (13) work (work) really hard to reach where he is now.
S: I"ll definitely try to meet him and learn from him.
M: That"s a great idea! I"m sure he (14) gladly share (gladly share) his basketball knowledge with you.