1. Calculate the sum of t1599401404aa.gif and t1599401404ab.gif. 2. Simplify the fractions and calculate the difference

  • 16
1. Calculate the sum of t1599401404aa.gif and t1599401404ab.gif.
2. Simplify the fractions and calculate the difference of t1599401404ac.gif and t1599401404ad.gif.
3. Calculate the following:
a) t1599401404ah.gif divided by 3.
b) t1599401404ai.gif multiplied by 5.
4. Solve the problem. The farmer had 64 kg of sour cream. Before lunch, he sold t1599401404aj.gif from the total amount, and after lunch, he sold an additional t1599401404ak.gif. How many kilograms of sour cream remain with the farmer?
5. Solve the problem. The masters at the factory painted 160 Christmas ornaments, which made up t1599401404al.gif of the total order. Find the number of ornaments in the order.
Sure! Here are the detailed step-by-step solutions to the problems:

1. To calculate the sum of t1599401404aa.gif and t1599401404ab.gif, we add the two numbers together. Let"s assume t1599401404aa.gif = 7 and t1599401404ab.gif = 5. The sum would be:
t1599401404aa.gif + t1599401404ab.gif = 7 + 5 = 12.

2. To simplify the fractions t1599401404ac.gif and t1599401404ad.gif, we need to find their lowest common denominator. Let"s assume t1599401404ac.gif = \(\frac{4}{6}\) and t1599401404ad.gif = \(\frac{2}{3}\). The lowest common denominator is 6. Simplifying the fractions, we get:
\(\frac{4}{6}\) = \(\frac{2}{3}\) and \(\frac{2}{3}\) = \(\frac{2}{3}\).
Now, to calculate the difference between the two fractions, we subtract the second fraction from the first:
\(\frac{2}{3}\) - \(\frac{2}{3}\) = 0.

3. a) To calculate t1599401404ah.gif divided by 3, let"s assume t1599401404ah.gif = 12. The division would be:
t1599401404ah.gif / 3 = 12 / 3 = 4.

b) To calculate t1599401404ai.gif multiplied by 5, let"s assume t1599401404ai.gif = 8. The multiplication would be:
t1599401404ai.gif * 5 = 8 * 5 = 40.

4. To solve the problem with the farmer and sour cream, let"s assume the values of t1599401404aj.gif = 25 and t1599401404ak.gif = 10. The calculation would be:
Sour cream sold before lunch = t1599401404aj.gif = 25 kg.
Sour cream sold after lunch = t1599401404ak.gif = 10 kg.
Total sour cream sold = t1599401404aj.gif + t1599401404ak.gif = 25 + 10 = 35 kg.
Sour cream remaining with the farmer = Total sour cream - Sour cream sold = 64 - 35 = 29 kg.

5. To solve the problem with the masters at the factory painting Christmas ornaments, let"s assume there are 160 ornaments. The calculation would be:
Total Christmas ornaments painted = 160.

Please let me know if you have any further questions or if there"s anything else I can help you with!