1. What are the English equivalents of the Russian words and phrases: professional competencies of lawyers ? 2

  • 47
1. What are the English equivalents of the Russian words and phrases: "professional competencies of lawyers"?
2. How can you present information in a clear and concise manner?
3. What is the English terminology for "mastering legal terminology"?
4. How can you develop the skill of actively listening to the speaker?
5. What does it mean to draft complex legal documents?
6. What are the basics of grammar that need to be mastered?
7. How do you compose petitions and case notes?
8. What does it mean to provide honest and responsible client service?
9. How can you effectively review and absorb a large amount of information?
10. What are the skills of logical reasoning?
11. How do you draw conclusions and make inferences?
12. What are the communication technologies that need to be mastered?
13. What does it mean to be at the lower rung of the career ladder?
10. Как определить главную идею в тексте?


1. The English equivalents of the Russian words "professional competencies of lawyers" are: "professional skills of attorneys" or "expertise of legal professionals". These terms refer to the specific abilities and knowledge that lawyers need to possess in order to perform their duties effectively.

2. To present information in a clear and concise manner, you can follow these steps:
- Identify the main points and key details that need to be communicated.
- Organize the information in a logical and structured manner.
- Use clear and straightforward language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex terms.
- Use visual aids, such as charts or graphs, if they can help convey the information more effectively.
- Summarize important points and provide a clear conclusion or takeaway message.

3. The English terminology for "mastering legal terminology" is simply "learning legal terminology". This refers to the process of acquiring and understanding the specific vocabulary and terms used in the field of law.

4. To develop the skill of actively listening to the speaker, you can follow these strategies:
- Maintain eye contact and give the speaker your full attention.
- Avoid interrupting or finishing the speaker"s sentences.
- Focus on understanding the speaker"s message rather than preparing your own response.
- Use non-verbal cues, such as nodding or smiling, to show that you are engaged in the conversation.
- Ask clarifying questions or summarize the speaker"s points to demonstrate your attentiveness.

5. Drafting complex legal documents means creating intricate and detailed legal paperwork, such as contracts, agreements, or pleadings. It involves carefully crafting the language and structure of the document to accurately reflect the legal obligations and rights of the parties involved.

6. The basics of grammar that need to be mastered include:
- Understanding sentence structure, including subjects, verbs, and objects.
- Correctly using punctuation marks, such as commas, periods, and quotation marks.
- Knowing various parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.
- Understanding grammar rules, such as subject-verb agreement, tenses, and pronoun usage.

7. To compose petitions and case notes, you can follow these steps:
- Clearly state the purpose or request of the petition.
- Provide a detailed and accurate account of the relevant facts and circumstances.
- Present legal arguments or precedents to support your case.
- Use clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or complex terms.
- Follow the prescribed format and structure for petitions or case notes, if applicable.

8. Providing honest and responsible client service means:
- Being transparent and truthful with clients, keeping them informed about their legal matters.
- Acting in the best interests of the client and maintaining confidentiality.
- Providing accurate and thorough legal advice, based on your expertise and knowledge.
- Taking responsibility for your actions and promptly addressing any mistakes or errors.
- Treating clients with respect, empathy, and professionalism.

9. To effectively review and absorb material, you can use the following techniques:
- Break down the material into smaller sections or chunks for easier comprehension.
- Read actively by highlighting or underlining key points and making notes.
- Summarize the material in your own words to reinforce understanding.
- Reinforce learning through practice exercises or discussing the material with others.
- Take breaks and review the material periodically to enhance retention.

10. To determine the main idea in a text, you can follow these steps:
- Read the title, headings, and subheadings to get an initial understanding of the topic.
- Look for topic sentences, which are often found at the beginning or end of paragraphs.
- Identify recurring themes or ideas throughout the text.
- Pay attention to any summaries or conclusions provided by the author.
- Consider the context and purpose of the text to determine the central message or main idea.

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