REPHRASED: STEP 1. Place the open notebook on the cardboard. Place a glass plate flat on the sheet of the notebook

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STEP 1. Place the open notebook on the cardboard. Place a glass plate flat on the sheet of the notebook and trace its outlines with a pencil. STEP 2. Insert two needles on one side of the glass plate, with one of them positioned on the upper surface of the plate and the other placed randomly, but in a way that the straight line passing through these needles does not coincide with the perpendicular to the upper surface. STEP 3. Lift the cardboard to eye level and, looking through the glass, insert a third needle into the lower face of the outline of the glass plate in a way that it covers the image of the first two needles (see drawing). STEP 4. The glass
школьник сможет увидеть ее через образовавшийся проём. STEP 4. Carefully remove the cardboard and the glass plate, keeping the third needle in place. STEP 5. Check the position of the third needle to ensure it was inserted correctly through the lower face of the outline. If necessary, adjust its position. STEP 6. Now, place the glass plate back into its original position, aligning it with the outline on the notebook sheet. Make sure that the needles inserted on the upper surface of the glass plate are secured in place. STEP 7. Look through the glass plate and observe the position of the third needle. You will notice that it appears to be disconnected from the other two needles. This is because of the refraction of light that occurs when light travels from one medium (glass) to another (air). The change in the direction of light causes the image of the needle to appear shifted or disconnected.